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Stop Vampire Appliances From Taking A Bite Out Of Your Budget

With any number of spooky creatures wandering around Northern and Central California this week, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is helping its customers shield their energy bills from budget-sucking Vampire Appliances.

"Unlike their fanged cousins, Vampire Appliances suck away money from customers' wallets day and night by using energy even when they appear to be turned off," said Tim Fitzpatrick, PG&E's chief communications officer.

Every year, these budget-suckers account for about 10 percent of an average household's energy bill, according to the Association of Energy Services Professionals, and idle gadgets waste more than 100 billion kilowatt hours of electricity—costing consumers a terrifying $10 billion each year, reports the Environmental Protection Agency.

To help raise awareness of the threat posed by Vampire Appliances, PG&E is announcing its list of Top Ten Vampire Appliances for 2014, in order of their energy-sucking appetite:
Flat Screen TVs
Home Computers (Laptops and Desktops)
Video Game Consoles
Digital Video Recorders
Cable Boxes
Cable Modems
Laser Printers
DVD Players
Cell Phone/Tablet Chargers
Small Appliances - Microwave/Toaster Oven/Coffee Maker

"While garlic and wooden stakes won't kill this waste, we want to pass along our Top Five Anti-Vampire Appliance Tips that every household can use to save potentially hundreds of dollars every year," Fitzpatrick said.

Among the top five tips PG&E is recommending that every household adopt are:
Unplug: Unplug appliances, electronics and chargers that aren't in use or turn them off using an inexpensive power strip.

Buy Smart: By spending as little as $20 for advanced power strips households can achieve energy savings of nearly 50 percent.
Go Green: The more energy efficient appliances aren't simply good for the environment, they will help save you money.

Home Energy Check-Up: Consider taking a home energy check-up. It will help you learn more about your energy usage so you can become an even smarter energy consumer.

Auto-Power Down: Turn on an automatic power-down feature on your TV or Game Consoles and set the right predetermined inactivity level for your household.

#vitrolastereo +Vitrola Stereo
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Excelsio Media


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